Tuesday, April 27, 2021

WOW! Factor



We are going to collect fascinating facts we learn about Space. After you read an especially interesting, engaging or controversial passage, what is one interesting thing you learned today? 


  1. The interesting thing I learned today was that the first letter of each word of the phrase matches the order from the sun. Another interesting fact is a million earths could easily fit inside the sun not only the sun massive, it has 333,000 times the mass of earth. The lastly fact is the sun huge mass creates a strong pulling force that is gravity!

  2. In my perspective, what i find interesting is how outer planets like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are not solid like inner planets such as Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars. Outer planets are made out of gas, so it isn't possible to walk on them. Another wow fact, is that the Sun can fit over 1 million Earths in it and has 333,000 times the amount of Mass the Earth contains. Did you know? The sun is what causes gravity and makes planets rotate around it. The gigantic sun and it's powerful gravity is what holds our solar system together and it's been doing its job for 4.5 billions years! there's also billions of stars that contain the same size and heat as our sun but they aren't as important! Our solar system contains many interesting facts and secrets but it doesn't stop us from learning!

  3. Did you know that the sun is the biggest star in our solar system? The sun is a giant star made out of hot glowing gases.(State of matter!) The sun is the center of our solar system and it gives us heat which is actually good because with out the sun plant wouldn't grow, and if plants don't grow then there would be no oxygen! (In other words air.) Oh! also the sun has 333,000 more mass than earth! (Wow so big!) (also mass is how much something has or is made out of.) The sun is the reason we have days and nights. (Because it can create a strong force called gravity wich can turn our whole solar system!, thanks gravity!) The sun is super old about 4.5 BILLION years. Did you know that there are stars then are bigger than the sun? Well there are but our sun is the best for us!

    Jose A

  4. A cool fact I learned about the solar system is that the sun is what causes gravity and makes planets rotate and orbit the sun. Another wow fact is that there's a phrase you can use to remember the order of the planets. And lastly, did you know that one million earths can fit in the sun?

    - V

  5. los que yo investige es sobre los planetas las cosas diferentes de los planetas con el planeta tierra

  6. I learn that a shadow moves depending where the sun is so if the sun is in the west the shadow points to the east. When is morning it point to the east and when is the afternoon it is in the middle.

  7. A wow fact that I learned about the sun is when the sun is low your shadow is longer but when the sun is high your shadow is short. When it's morning the sun is in the east in the afternoon the sun is in the middle when is night time the sun is in the west.

  8. I learned that the ancient people used the sun as a giant clock and also you can use a shadow to know what time it is.

  9. A wow fact that I learned is that when the sun is high in the sky, shadows are shorter. But when it's low in the sky, shadows are longer. If you didn't know we are the ones that move, Earth move not the sun. Ancients used the sun to tell the time by just looking at it's position in the sky. (because the sun follows the same pattern everyday)


  10. My WOW fact for the day was how your shadow moves depending on where is the sun. Which makes the sun be like your shadow's boss. I like the way ancients used to know the time by just looking at the sun. They use the direction and of course the sun's pattern. When the sun was rising on the East it was setting on the West. Our shadow changes length and direction throughout the day, because it obviously depends on the sun's direction on the sky.


  11. I learn that whatever direction the sun is in the sky the shadow will point the opposite direction.

  12. A wow fact that I learn the when the sun is low your shadow is longer and when is high your shadow is short

  13. I learned that in the morning the sun points to the west and in the afternoon it points to the west but in the morning the shadows are big and gets like at 11 o’clock in the morning it is small and at 12 o ‘clock the shadow is in the points to the north and south . In the afternoon the shadow gets smaller and then by the time the shadow gets bigger and points to the east. If you put an object in front of the sun you can see it. Why don’t you try it?


  14. A wow fact that I learned is when the sun is low in the sky, shadows appear longer. And when the sun is high in the sky, the shadows appear shorter. Another wow fact that I learned is the shadow grows or becomes shorter depending on the time. (Or the sun)

    - V

  15. Soo My woow a fact that lest put lenght post that estay steel at 7:00 Am is long the sahter and 9:00 Am is shoterh but a non is tene the shatern soow when is 7:00 Am but is west.

  16. you now that Over one million Earth's could fit inside the Sun. you now that 491040000000 feet to the earth to the sun by: Jose.S

  17. Jhon

    Aprendo que una sombra se mueve dependiendo de dónde está el sol, así que si el sol está en el oeste, la sombra apunta hacia el este. Cuando es de mañana apunta hacia el este y cuando es de tarde está en el medio.

  18. Yo aprendí que en la mañana apunta en el west y en la tarde apunta al east. Y en la mañana las sombra de un objeto se hace grande a pequeño pero en la tarde como a las 12 de la tarde se apunta hacia el norte y el este. Ya como a las 1, 2 o 3 y más adelante en la tarde se hace de pequeño a grande. Pero el sol es el que hace la sombra. Porque tu no pruebas poner un objeto delante del sol y que se vea la sombra?


  19. Yo lo que aprendí es que la sombra de un objeto se mueve como cuando pones un objeto enfrente del sol. En la mañana la sombra apunta al west y en la tarde apunta al east. Porque no pruebas poner un objetivo al frente del sol?


  20. EL sol es de color amarillo pero muy fuerte el color del sol el sol es de forma redonda y para llegar donde esta el sol son almeno cmo 580,8 kilometros y el sol es el sentro del sistema solar y tambie savias que el sol tiene un radio 109 veses superior al de la tierra el sol es peligroso por que al verlo se mira como fuego.
    :marvin pacheco

  21. Tú sabías que el sol puede medir más que 432,690mi y sabías que el sol es la estrella más grande en nuestro sistema solar y el sol proviene del gas y otros materiales que forman parte de una gran nube molecular. Esa nube colapsó por sus propias fuerzas gravitacionales hace 4600 millones de años. De esa misma nube proviene todo el Sistema Solar.
    El sol es una estrella enorme. Con un diámetro de 1,4 millones de kilómetros podría albergar a 109 planetas en su superficie. Si fuera hueco, más de un millón de Tierras podrían vivir en su interior, pero no lo es. Está relleno de gases calientes que representan más del 99,8 por ciento de la masa total del sistema solar. ¿A qué llamamos caliente? La temperatura alcanza los 5.5

    Sebastian .R


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