Saturday, March 27, 2021

Writing about your learning

 Hi room 15, 

Now that you have been studying the properties of matter.  You have learned what matter is, have completed investigations to learn about how to test for different properties, and know when you have successfully met the learning target.  Take a moment and read what you have written in the reflection for hardness, magnetism, electrical conductivity, solubility and acids versus bases.  Choose three to write about. Use the reflections written to compose a final piece about your learning. Use the criteria below. 

Introduce a topic or text clearly, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure in which ideas are logically grouped to support the writer's purpose.


Develop the topic with facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples related to the topic.

Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic.

Use a variety of transitional words, phrases, and clauses to manage the sequence of events.

Provide a conclusion that follows from the narrated experiences or events.


  1. magnetismmagnetism,as you can recall from physics class is a powerfull force that cause certain items to be attracted to your doing solubility,magnetism,electrical conductivity. my opinion is that magnetism is the most interesting matter on my list.did you know some rocks are magnetic you probably wondering how they can be magnetic they are full of magnetic metal most magnets are made out of metal. solubility is how good different objects can dissolve in liquids kasher salt and baking powder will work when added to the liquid have you ever tried it its rally gun. think electric conductivity as green light go and red light stop its how good different objects can conduct energy isulators dont give energy and conducters give energy its really simple dont you think? these were the three facts i was talking abaut magnetism,solubility,electrical confuctivity wich one was your favorite.

    1. Hi Janiel,
      I wonder if the Earth being magnetic is related to the geosphere or gravity?

  2. This are some facts about hardness,electrical conductivity,magnetism that you probably did not know. Did you know that the hardest material on earth is a diamond. The biggest magnet of all is earth.Most good electrical conductors are also good conductors of heat.this is important because you might need to know how they work.These are really cool because they have different ways to work.For example hardness sometimes it could break,magnetism they can be magnetic but for them to stick they need iron,nickel,and colbalt in order to them to stick.Electrical conductivity we need it because we need electricity. This are really cool and needed.

    Some examples of hard materials are diamond,carbides,tempered,steel,grant and many more.They are also usually more brittle which means that they don't bend they can shatter. There are 3 main type of hardness measurement they are scratch,indentation,and rebound.Did you know that scientist use hardness to identify minerals? Did you also know that diamond can scratch concrete?

    A magnet always has north and south poles.The earth is a big magnet. In order for them to be magnetic they need to have iron,nickel,and colbalt. Did you know the earth magnetic field is 1,000 times weaker than a typical bar of magnet.Did you also know that only black rocks are magnetic! Magnets always have two pole even if you cut them in half.

    Electrical conductivity is the measure of materials ability to allow the transport of an electric charge. Good conductors of electrical conductors allow the electricity to flow easily. How is electrical conductivity used everyday life,well here are some examples cooking,kettles,aluminum,iron,steel,metal,and many more.They can travel through the lattice that forms the physical structure of a metal. These are some insulators rubber,glass,pure water,oil,air,diamond,dry wood,cotton and many more.

    This is the end of my writing.Did you guys learned about these 3 states of matter? Did it help you understand how they work? I hope you guys learned about this 3 states of matter!

    1. Hi Jen,
      There are a lot of interesting facts in your blog. I like how you ended with questions after having given so much information. It is really thought provoking.

  3. Why are the properties Electrical Conductivity,Acids and Bases, and Solubility important? All these properties are somehow connected to your everyday life! In some way these support your daily life activities.

    In my opinion you can find these properties almost everywhere but you have to look out for them.

    What do these properties serve as? Electrical Conductivity is utilized to tell you how much dissolved substances, chemicals, and minerals are presented in water. Acids and Bases are important in living things because most enzymes can do their job only at a certain
    level of acidity. Solubility, the phenomenon of dissolution of solute in solvent to give a homogenous system.

    As we may know these properties are useful in many ways. But, actually they can also be somewhat dangerous. For example, combining electricity and water can cause a big shock. Acids and Bases can cause corrosive substances that harm human eyes, skin, and generate problems to breathe. Some people commit the mistake of dissolving toxic metals and chemicals into water.

    Electrical Conductivity, Acids and Bases, and Solubility can be helpful and harmful. But the process of creating these properties is another topic. As much as they can harm, These properties boost our world everyday. And knowing how they serve us humans and many living things is very important.

    After you’ve done some reading, Did this help out your learning? Well, I hope I helped you learn about Electrical Conductivity, Acids and Bases, and Solubility! These are properties that are important.

    1. Hi Haniseed,
      With all of these investigations we carried out, we learned how to detect matter based on its properties. How do you think this could be helpful in real life?

  4. Introduction
    Hoy vamos a enseñar 3 propiedades de la materia ácido y bases y conductividad eléctrica y magnetismo? qué pasaría si el mundo no tuviera magnetismo.

    Mi opinión sobre el ácido y la base es que el Baking Soda y el baking powder y las conductividad eléctrica es una cosa que no se puede pegar al plástico y cosas de madera .

    Body paragraph 1: ácidos y Bases
    Los ácidos y las bases un ácido y una base es una Reacción química que ocurre entre ácidos y una Base un ejemplo sobre un ácido es que los ácidos tienen un sabor agrio los ácidos vuelven Rojo al papel tornasol vitamina también es un ácido llamado ascórbico un ejemplo de una base tiene el sabor amargo amoniaco es un químico básico bases tornasol se vuelven azules.

    Body paragraph 2: electrical conductivity
    La conductividad es l medida de la facilidad con la que una carga eléctrica o calor puede atravesar un material la conductividad también nos dice que un material permitirá que la electricidad viaja a través de él un ejemplo de la electricidad es que la plata tiene mayor conductividad eléctrica de todo los demás metales se compran con ella es una escala de 0 A 100 con el cobre en el 97 y el otro en el 76.

    Body paragraph 3: Magnetismo
    El magnetismo es el conjunto de fenómenos físicos mediados por campos magnéticos estos materiales son ferromagnéticos e interactúan fuertemente con los campos magnéticos externos a la vez que generan un campo magnéticos propio esto permite la tan conocida reposición atracciones entre los polos de los imanes

    Conclusión :El bicarbonato de sodio y el polvo de hornear forman una reacción química ácidos y Bases el papel de aluminio y el clavo y el clip funcionaron como conductores las cosas que no se pueden pegar a las cosas que son de madera o plástico aprendieron sobre 3 estados de materia? Espero que sí.

    1. Hola Genesis,
      Me gusto tu comienzo,que pasaria en el mundo si no tuvieramos magnetismo? El parrafo 3 dio mucha informacion acerca de campos magneticos. Me gustaria saber como esto nos afecta a nosotros?

  5. Introduction
    Hoy vamos a enseñar 3 propiedades de la materia ácido y bases y conductividad eléctrica y magnetismo? qué pasaría si el mundo no tuviera magnetismo.

    Mi opinión sobre el ácido y la base es que el Baking Soda y el baking powder y las conductividad eléctrica es una cosa que no se puede pegar al plástico y cosas de madera .

    Body paragraph 1: ácidos y Bases
    Los ácidos y las bases un ácido y una base es una Reacción química que ocurre entre ácidos y una Base un ejemplo sobre un ácido es que los ácidos tienen un sabor agrio los ácidos vuelven Rojo al papel tornasol vitamina también es un ácido llamado ascórbico un ejemplo de una base tiene el sabor amargo amoniaco es un químico básico bases tornasol se vuelven azules.

    Body paragraph 2: electrical conductivity
    La conductividad es l medida de la facilidad con la que una carga eléctrica o calor puede atravesar un material la conductividad también nos dice que un material permitirá que la electricidad viaja a través de él un ejemplo de la electricidad es que la plata tiene mayor conductividad eléctrica de todo los demás metales se compran con ella es una escala de 0 A 100 con el cobre en el 97 y el otro en el 76.

    Body paragraph 3: Magnetismo
    El magnetismo es el conjunto de fenómenos físicos mediados por campos magnéticos estos materiales son ferromagnéticos e interactúan fuertemente con los campos magnéticos externos a la vez que generan un campo magnéticos propio esto permite la tan conocida reposición atracciones entre los polos de los imanes

    El bicarbonato de sodio y el polvo de hornear forman una reacción química ácidos y Bases el papel de aluminio y el clavo y el clip funcionaron como conductores las cosas que no se pueden pegar a las cosas que son de madera o plástico aprendieron sobre 3 estados de materia? Espero que si.

    1. Hola Sebastion,

      En tu tesis menciona el plastico que no atrae a un iman, sabemos que no tienes propiedad de magnetismo. Atravez de las propiedades se puede identificar objetos.

  6. Introduction:
    Today we are gonna show three properties of matter acid and base, electrical conductivity, magnetism. WHat would happen if the planet did not have magnetism? The most obvious effect is that we would get lost since our compasses wouldn't work. Less obvious is that without the magnetic field the solar wind would strip away ozone from earth's atmosphere and leave us exposed to ultraviolet radiation. One fact is that the earth is like one big bar magnet.

    My opinion about the acid and bases is that baking soda is an asid, and the baking powder is a base, a electrical conductivity is that things that are wooden and plastic, magnetism is that it can stick to the plastic things only the washe, mail, screen wire, paper clip, and the black rock only magnet o the magnet can stick.

    Body paragraph 1: Acid and bases
    An acid and base is a chemical reaction that occurs between an acid and a base. An example about an acid is that acids taste sour. Acids turn litmus paper red. Vitamin C is also an acid called ascorbic acid. An example of a base is that bases taste bitter. Ammonia is a base chemical. The base's litmus paper turns blue.

    Body paragraph 2: Electrical conductivity
    Electrical conductivity tells how well a material will allow electricity to travel through it. An example about electrical conductivity is that silver has greatest electrical conductivity. In fact silver defines conductivity all other metals are compared against it. On a scale of 0-100 silver ranks 100, with copper at 97, and gold at 76. Soldering iron rods are made of iron with the tip made of copper because copper is a much better conductor of heat than iron.

    Body paragraph: Magnetism
    Magnetism the set of physical phenomena mediated by magnetic fields these materials are ferromagnetic and strongly interact with external magnetic fields while they generate their own magnetic field this allows the well known repositioning and attraction between the poles of the magnets.

    In conclusion the baking soda and the baking powder makes a reaction acid and base. In conclusion the aluminum paper, nail, and the paper clip worked as a conductor. In conclusion the thing that can’t stick to the things that are wood and plastic. Did you learned about this 3 states of matter? I hope you did.

    1. Hi Leslie,
      Your introduction captivates the main idea of your paragraphs. The conclusion reiterates what you learned. How can you tie magnetism back to the conclusion?

  7. Did you know that Earth is magnetic or that two different poles attract each other? This property is called magnetism! There exist many more such as hardness,solubility, density and more. But surely the most captivating one are solubility, magnetism and electrical conductivity.This 3 properties are really important because most of them show up in our daily life and can help when it comes to know about the place we live in. Especially magnetism since our planet, Earth is magnetic, we are obliged to know about what is happening around our atmosphere.

    Do you know or understand the six properties of matter?Magnetism is one of them. The meaning or definition of magnetism is a force produced by magnets that attracts some metals. A way to test if an object is magnetic is checking or testing if they repel or attract. In our experiment we tested many objects to see if they were magnetic. Some were while others weren't.

    Don’t you have the curiosity of asking yourself if sugar or any other substance can dissolve on water? Solubility is the property which is shown here. It defines how well an object can dissolve in water or other liquid. The power of dissolving substances with another which is solubility can also be found right in our everyday acts. You don’t need to become a scientist just to search for or make solubility, for example adding sugar to coffee is an example of our everyday acts that show solubility in them.

    Electrical conductivity! Last but not least. Never heard of it? Well it means how well electricity can travel through certain materials. During our experiment we examine if the objects we tested turned on the light bulb. Several objects did while a few didn't. But electrical conductivity can also be dangerous if it's not used the correct way. For example your clothing, if you are working around electrical conductivity your clothing needs to be made of a material that it's safe to use around electrical conductivity.

    After all you learned about magnetism, solubility, and electrical conductivity, what do you think? I hope I accomplished my goal of schooling you about these 3 properties of matter. The next time someone desires to know about magnetism, solubility and electrical conductivity you are undoubtedly one of the greatest help!

    1. Hi Kristel,

      I wonder if there is a link between magnetism and electrical conductivity?

  8. introduction
    los medicos usan imanes para observar por dentro a los pacientes. los medicos cuentan con una maquina especial llamada LRM (imagen por resonancia magnetica) que contiene un poderoso iman.el pasiente se acuesta dentro de la maquina y la LRM produse un fuerte campo magnetico.

    Ejemplo de uso: lo tuvieron asido, contenido, fuertemente entre tres. (asida) f. ... Definición de asido; Etimología de asido; Sinónimos de asido; Oraciones de ejemplos con "asido"; Análisis de ... Dinos
    asido bases
    an acid is a substanse that donates protons in the bronsted_lowry difition or accepts a pair of valense Electrons to form abond in the lews definition A bases is a substanse that can accept protons or donate a pair of valence electrons to form a bond. base can be thou gntap as the chemical o opposito

    forma de energia que produse efetos luminosos macanicos calorificos quimicos, etc, y que se debe a la separasion o movimiento de los electores que forman lo sato se consideraba que la eletrecida era un fluido.

    oersted showed that electricity could make a magnetic force. this made people ask new questions. How were electricity and magnetism linked A scientist named james clerk Maxwell solved the mystery. Electricity and magnetism are part of the same Electricity can cause magnetism are part of the same thing. Electricity can cause magnetism. magnetism can cause electricity.


    la corriente electrica es el flujo ordenado y dirigido de particulas eletricas. la ley de ohm establece que: en los resistores la intensida de la corriente es directamente proposional al voltaje aplicado asus terminales inversamente proposiona sala resistenncia.

    1. Hola Jhon,

      La tecnologia a advanzado bastante con el uso de los imanes. Por esta razon hemos progresado imensamente.

  9. Over time people learned about magnets.They discovered that magnets only moved things with iron. people realized that earth was magnetic why did the pin point north? it was lining up with earth's magnetic field. i am doing magnetism,solubility, and acid bases

    Oersted showed that electricity could make a magnetic force. this made people ask new questions. Electricity can cause magnetism can cause electricity these discoveries made people think more about how magnets work. people thought of new ways to use magnets.

    solubility is the ability of solids liquid, or gaseous. chemical substance referred to as the solute to dissolve in solvent. usually a liquid and form a solution the solubility of a substance fundamentally depends on the solvent used. as well as temperature and pressure.

    Acid is any hydrogen containing substance that is capable of donating proton hydrogen ion to other substance. A base is a molecule or ion able to accept a hydrogen ion from an acid.Acid substance are usually identify by their sour taste.

    The basic law of magnetism state that like poles repel and unlike poles attract. the experiment tested the theorythi, which one was you favorite magnetism, solubility, acid bases?

    1. Hi Jasmine,
      It seems important to state the main idea of your writing piece in the introduction. How this idea of magnetism and the Earth be developed more clearly throughout the body?

    I Learn that the chemicals that are bases donot do a chemical reaction like water. I Learn that the cundoctors work because when we tested the penny make the light bull light up.

    electrical can shok you when you touh cabels the electrycity can pass you body.

    Body Paragraph 1
    Metal such as copper,gold silver, and iron are good electrical conductors. electricity can shok you because electricity is very dangreous.

    Body Paragraph 2
    sugar is stirred into lemonade the sugar dissolve when you put sugar in the water you see that the sugar disaper but youst dissolves.

    Body Paragraph 3
    lemon juice and vinegar make a chemical reation that melt cans. chemical that are bases donot do a chemical reaction.

    if you smell the vinegar is smell bad but is realy good for the food because when you taste the food it need vinegar for the food can taste very good.

  11. Hi Jose S.
    I see you learned about how to investigate objects by their property using every day objects. What other investigations would you like to perform in class?

  12. Introduction
    Did you know that the two poles (north/south) attract each other? This is a property of matter and it’s called magnetism. Magnetism is one of my three topics, the other two being; Solubility, and Acids and Bases. These topics are important, and you’ll know by reading more!

    I think that magnetism is very cool because it can attract/push metallic objects! (You’ll know which materials in paragraph 1!)

    Paragraph 1
    In this paragraph you’ll (hopefully) learn more about magnets! (oops!) Magnetism! Magnetism is a property of matter that can pull objects like; iron, nickel, and cobalt. And if you didn’t know the whole earth is a magnet! I hope you learned something new or reviewed to remember more about magnetism!

    Paragraph 2
    Solubility, the most important state of matter because of what it can do. Solubility’s special ability is to detect how acidic a substance is for human/animal consumption. And I know this paragraph was very short but at least you know why solubility is important!
    (Also solubility will be used in paragraph 3!)

    Paragraph 3
    In acids and bases, a base is a substance that can neutralize acids by reacting in a certain way. While on the other hand an acid is a substance that can melt through almost everything depending on how strong the acid is. Acids are dangerous but with the help of solubility you can test out how strong/dangerous the acid could be. Bases on the other hand are, almost like heros. I hope you learned something new!

    Are you ready for the super definitely real scientific test! (There is no such thing as that weird long test name, we don’t even have tests!) Shh! (ok) Anyways, I hope you learned something, and I also hope it was funny and you enjoyed my writing! Also the parenthesis is another character!

    By: Jose Alcantara

    For: Everyone!

    1. Hi Jose A,

      Your writing style is so entertaining. I like how you incorporate voice into your writing even when during informational writing. It does hook the reader at the beginning and makes for an easy flow of reading. Great style of writing!

  13. Introduction
    What would happen if there were no electrical conductivity? Most good electrical conductors are also good conductors of heat.My 3 topics are Electrical conductivity,Acid and base,Solubility is useful as general measurement water.The Arrhenius theory of acids and bases state that an acid generates solubility is the relative ability of a solute to dissolved into a solvent.

    I believe that these three topics are important because we might learn more about and we might see more of this stuff in the future.

    Body paragraph 1
    Electrical conductivity is one property of matter.Matter is anything that has space and weight.This property of electricity conductivity can be one importing for us is because if we didn’t have it there wouldn't be light bulbs.

    Body paragraph 2
    An acid is a substance that can release a proton (like in the Arrhenius theory) and a base is a substance that can accept a proton.A basic salt,such us na tf generates OH-ions water by taking protons from water itself.Acid and bases can be dangerous because corrosive substance cause harm to tissue such as skin,eye.Acid and bases have corrosive property Any acid or bases may cause damage if they are in concentrated solution strong acid and base can be corrosive even in dilute concentrations.

    Body paragraph 3
    Solubility is ability of a solid,liquid or gaseous substance to chemical substance (referred to as the solute to dissolve in solvent usually a liquid) and from a solution.The solubility of a substance fundamentally depends on the solvent used,as well as temperature and pressure.When you are working on chemical equations or building a hypothesis, solubility ruler are helpful in prediction the end states of the substance involved You will be able to accurately predict what combination to lead of what result.

    What does Electrical conductivity,Acid and bases,Solubility how will this be helpful in the future.I hope this paragraph helped.


    1. Hi Ed,
      And so what do all of these compounds have in common? You mentioned solubility, acid-bases and electrical conductivity. I was hoping you would answer how this is helpful and what would happen if it didnt exist. But you gave us the information and now its up to the reader to decipher for themself. Clever!

  14. My main topics are acid and bases,electricity conductivity and hardness.Did you know that
    hydrofluoric acid is dangerous to humans.Many acids are not harmful to people such as orange juice and lemon juice.Did you know that diamonds are one of the hardest minerals.

    I think my subject is important because without electricity we would not have light at our house.

    Electricity conductors can be found anywhere such as a doorbell.Most of the electrictricity conductors are made from copper,gold,silver and even salt water.A strange thing about the human body is that it is a good electrical conductor.

    An acid reaction is a chemical reaction that occurs between an acid. An acid is a molecule capable of donating aproten or alternatively, capable of forming a covalent bond with the electron pair.Did you know that the ph of the most dangerous acid is -18.Some weak acids are acetic acid boric acid and oxalic acid.Some weak acid you might have in your house are baking soda and vinegar with these substance you can make a chemical reaction.

    Hardness is a measure of the resistance to localized plastic deformation induced by either mechanical indentation or abrasion.hardness a material ability to withstand friction essentially a abrasion is a know as hardness.toughness is how well the material can resist fracturing when force is applied.Some examples of hard materials are diamonds carbine quartz, tempered steel,ice,granite concrete.A harder material than a diamond is boron nitride.

    I think in the future these properties will help people to make more electronics that help with disabilities and maybe make this world a better place to live on.

    By Angel H

    1. Hi Angel,

      You gave an interesting fact. I didnt know that about the human body. It is so amazing how the human body works. So much to learn. Thank you!

  15. Introduction

    These are some facts about electrical conductivity acids and bases and hardness.
    Acids have a pH level of 7 or less, some electrical conductivity uses acids for good electrical conductors.To test hardness you scratch with different items to see what’s harder.

    Body paragraph 1
    Electrical conductivity is really useful for the economy and is used for electricity and tools.Good electrical conductors are gold copper silver mercury iron and seawater.Good electrical insulators are wood plastic glass rubber diamond oil air dry cotton and pure water plastic spoon and a crayon.People use 0.14 trillion KWH every day.

    Body paragraph 2

    Acids/bases facts,There’s a scale called the PH scale it testing by number.PH of over seven is an acid but is it under 7 is a bases.Some acids are used to make medicine the most used acid is called LSD is named like that because is a really long name.The most dangerous acid is Hydrofluoric Acid if this acid is exposed to you it will cause serious burns exposed body parts.

    Body paragraph 3
    Hardness is measured how thing are strong or though the item is .Hear some hardness facts,
    Hard item’s resist pressure. Some examples of hardness are diamond carbides quarts tempered steel ice granite and concrete.Harder materials are more tougher and shaped softer than other ones.Even though diamond is a really hard gem there’s a harder one called boron nitride

    I say that all we need this three properties because if these properties didn't exist it would be really hard to survive.We need electrical conductivity for some tools to power it up and we need it for electricity.We need acids and bases to test thing’s so we can know there safe.We need hardness to see something that is really hard and thy to break it with other thing to test how hard is something.

    Years and years people have been using these 3 properties of matter to help society to improve.If these types of matter disappeared randomly we wouldn't have electronics electricity. There will be a limited supply of medicine made of LSD and have materials such as bricks and rocks. I say we need to be careful what we have on day we will run out of these types of matter

    By gerald

  16. Introduction:

    Why is electrical conductivity important? It’s important because it’s useful as a general measure of water quality. Electrical conductivity measures the water's ability to conduct electricity. There are three main factors that affect the conductivity. Higher amounts of these impurities will lead.

    In my opinion, Acids and bases are the best material because they are used as household cleaning products.

    How do these properties assist human life? Electrical conductivity works by electrons that are free to move around in the material. Almost all liquids are either acids or bases to some degree. Whether a liquid is an acid or base depends on the type of ions in it. Solubility is the ability of a solid,liquid or gaseous chemical substance (Referred to as the solute) to dissolve in solvent (usually a liquid) and form a solution .

    These properties can also be dangerous for example when you combine electricity and water, a reaction will happen! The reaction will most likely be like a shock or fire-like spikes popping out. Solubility can cause danger when toxic metals are melted in water. Acids and bases have corrosive properties that harm humans. These three properties can be both friendly and harmful. For example, when you are working on chemical equations or building a hypothesis, solubility rules are helpful in predicting the end of the substances involved.

    Acids and bases are important in living things because most enzymes can do their job only at a certain level of acidity. Acids and bases are also used in our everyday lives. They’re used in cleaning objects, used in car batteries,etc. There are different types of acids such as Boric acid, Carbonic Acid, Citric acid, Oxalic acid, and more. Acids and bases can be useful for many people.

    After learning about electrical conductivity, solubility, and Acids and bases, do you think you can talk/write about them? Maybe, you can write a book about them!

    - V

  17. introduction : My topic is going to be about electricity conductivity acid and hardness. Do you know that fluoroantimonic acid is dangerous to humans. Many acids are not harmful to humans such as orange juice.

    Thesis:I think that the electricity conductivity is more stronger than acid

    Body paragraph electricity conductivity 1:electricity resistivity is a fundamental property of a material that quantifies how strongly resist electric current. Electricity conductor can be found any were such as a doorbell. Most of the electricity conductor are made from copper go silver and sea water.

    Body paragraph acid 2:An acid base-reaction is a chemical reaction that occurs between an acid and a base it can be used to determine PH. did you now that the most dangerous acid PH is -18. Some weak acid are acetic boric,hydrofluoric. Fluoroantimonic acid is a mixture of hydrogen fluoride and anty anions. An acid is a molecule or iron capable of donating proton or alternatively.

    Body paragraph hardness 3: hardness is a measure of the resistance to localized plastic deformation induced by either mechanical in dentationor abrasion. Hardness a material's ability to withstand fraction essentially abrasion resistance in known as hardness. Toughness how well the material can resist fracturing when force is applied. Some examples of hard materials are diamond,cabides,tempered,steel,ice,granite,and concrete. A harden material then diamond is beron nitride

    Conclusion: I think this properties will help in the future help people and the world will be more superior

  18. Marte y porque no se nada de Marte y quiero aprender como es que color es. Pedro


Topic Selection