Thursday, April 8, 2021

Compare and Contrast


Compare and contrast two or more characters, settings, or events in a story drawing on specific details in the text (how characters interact).  Use the Character study graphic organizer to help you. 


  1. Book Report: Comparing Two Books

    Two books I recently read on the same subject
    Are: Cesar Chavez
    By: Ginger Wadsworth
    And: Jackie Robinson
    By: April Jones Prince

    I liked Cesar Chavez better because he never gave up no matter what they do to him. They had to work really hard. Even though they bully him or hurt him he did not fight back. He was a really good person who doesn't fight people or hurt people even if they do it to him.

    The best part of the book was when he became a strong leader. He never gave up on his dreams. They were really mean to him but he wasn't mean to them.He also was really kind to people but people treat him really bad.

    Even though I did not like it as well, one good thing I can say about the other book is he also never gave up on his dreams. He was kind also he completed his dreams. Also when he joined the baseball team people were really mean to him but he never cared or did something to them he just kept on going with his dreams.


  2. It appears that the common theme is to not let obstacles or people get in the way of achieving your dreams. How could you hold this message true for you?

  3. Two books I recently read on the same subject
    are Cesar Chavez
    by Ginger wadsworth
    and Jacky robinson
    by april jones prince.

    I liked Cesar Chavez better because Cesar Chavez inspired those around him and proved that it was not necessary to resort to produce change, and he never gave up, even though they bully him he does not fight back.

    The best part of this book was when Cesar was becoming a strong union leader and he decided it was time to strike. Actors, students, and government leaders. He never gives up in his dreams.

    Even though I did not like it as well, one good thing I can say about the other book is that branch Rickey was the president of the brooklyn dodgers. He had heard about Jackie. Just like Jackie, Branch Rickey hated to lose. And I liked Cesar Chavez better because he never gave up and never fight back when the other people were discriminated against.


  4. It seems important to have some one on your side during times of struggle to keep you inspired and motivated. Jackie R had Branch who believed in him. Who do you have that believes in you and keeps you inspired?

  5. Mondays: different
    El niño no está ordenado el busca la mochila pero el niño se distrae con su carro el papa le dijo que buscará la mochila porque ya eran las 8. De la mañana el niño buscaba por debajo de la mesa pero no estaba la mochila y luego el niño se puso a pensar y luego se acordó donde la tenia y el la fue a traer al armario y el papa le dijo vámonos y luego cuando ya se iban el papa no encontraba las llaves del carro.

    Alike: Mondays & You can do it
    Los dos son aburridos cuando el niño algunas veces dice que no y luego el papa dice que no puede .

    You can do it :Different.

    El papa le dice al niño que aga unas cosas pero el niño le dice que le no puede el papa necesitaba un martillo y el niño lo encontró y el papá le estaba sosteniendo el clavo para que el niño le pudiera pegar al martillo pero cuando el niño le iba a pegar mejor el papa quito la mano porque el niño le podía pegar por accidente y luego el niño estaba jugando y se le fue la pelota al árbol y el papa le dijo ve por ella y el niño fue a buscar una escalera y se subió pero por accidente le prensó la mano al papa.


  6. Parece que el nino tienes calidades negativa, el es aburrido, desorganizado y siempre dices que no puede hacer las cosas. Que podemos aprender del nino aunque seas negativo hacia la vida?

  7. Haniseed

    Subject:Comparing main protagonist (competition)
    Books:"Escaping The Giant Wave" "Storm Runners"
    Protagonist: Kyle and Chase

    Which main protagonist seems to have more skills at dealing with disasters? Well, you might think Chas might have the advantage since he’s always prepared with his Go-Bag, but just by thought, Kyle also deserves a win! Want to know why? Then keep one reading! In my opinion they should both be classified with an even of skill points since they are young and had to take care of things in dangerous moments.

    First of all we've got Chase. Chase from Storm Runners, he’s 12 years old and has experience at dealing with storms. Because of his father he somewhat know’s how to lead Nicole and Rashawn. Chase has always been prepared with his Go-Bag full of storm-weather supplies. But when it comes to having people on his side, Chase can’t compete with Dr.Krupp, he lost an argument. After the storm started, Chase was right and did predict that they would be in danger.

    Our second protagonist is Kyle! Kyle is the older brother of BeeBee, and he’s 13. The tsunami came in by surprise. Even though he doesn’t know much about tsunamis, He managed to survive. Kyle was first caught in a fire in the hotel he was staying in, alone with BeeBee. He also had to put his younger sister’s life in front of his to protect her. Kyle managed to escape the fire with Beebee. But a fire was expected in 30 minutes.

    We can all agree that Chase and Kyle had it pretty hard. No matter what advantage or disadvantage they had, we’re both glad Chase and Kyle survived. If it wasn’t clear, Kyle had to escape a fire then a tsunami. And Chase had to survive a hurrican while leading his friends Nicole and Rashawn.

    So, who do you think is the winner? I think they should both win, but what about you? After you’ve done some reading, It would be difficult to choose a side since Kyle and Chase both risked their lives at a young age (13,12). I can conclude that once again we are happy Kyle and Chase survived in such conditions. I hope the authors of “Escaping The Giant Wave” and “Storm Runners'' have a collaboration! They would make an awesome book! Well I also hope you enjoyed reading this!

    1. Hi Haniseed,

      Both adventure stories sound interesting. Especially the way how you described the main characters Kyle and Chase who both happen to be males. What type of book are you going to read next?

    2. Hi Haniseed,

      Wow! Great piece you have written here! I have to agree that both characters, Kyle and Chase, are super strong having survived all those things, and at such a young age! Keep up the great work!

      Miss Breanna :)

    3. You did a really good description of both characters which allows us to understand who they are even without having read the story! Based on these characters, would you say that generally it is ok not to be fully prepared for what may happen in someone's life?

      Miss Mathilde:)

  8. Kristel

    Subject: Comparing main protagonist
    Books: "Storm Runners" and " Escaping the Giant Wave"
    Protagonist: Kyle and Chase
    Authors: Peg Kehret (ETGW) and Roland Smith (SR)

    Which main protagonist seems to have more skills at dealing with disasters? With the main protagonists I refer to Chase and Kyle. Chase from “Storm Runners” and Kyle from “Escaping the Giant Wave”. Chase was battling against a hurricane while Kyle against a tsunami. Chase is always prepared with his Go-Bag, but Kyle had a disadvantage because the disaster was unexpected. Both of them deserve a win! Keep reading to find out who has better or more skills!

    Chase from Storm Runners is our first main protagonist. Chase is always ready with his Go-Bag for any disaster. The difference comes from the family. Because Chase’s Dad is a master of disaster. While Kyle’s dad is just a sale’s man. This helps Chase a lot on the main topic sentence which is, who has the most skills at dealing with disasters. Chase is able to save a lot of people and also himself because of his skills. This gives him more points. Rashawn and Nicole were other main characters, however they were led by Chase.

    Secondly we have Kyle, a 13 year old. Kyle has an advantage, he’s smart and older than Chase. Chase is also smart but Kyle knows how to take difficult decisions. Kyle also has to take care of his baby sister, BeeBee. Kyle’s smartness helps him a lot too. Because it is necessary to understand what you are doing, to be capable of doing it. Kyle the second protagonist is also incredibly responsable. Kyle is a great leader too, by leading BeeBee.

    I know that this is a competition but both honestly deserve a win. Maybe a hurricane can be worse than a tsunami. But what matters is that both protagonists knew how to handle the situation carefully and survive. To be clear, Kyle had to escape from a fire and a tsunami caused by an earthquake by leading BeeBee. Lets not forget Chase battled against a hurricane leading his friends, Nicole and Rashawn.

    After all this reading, who do you think should be the winner? Or do you imagine yourself in this type of danger, Whatever side you pick, we can determine that both situations were hard and dangerous. In my opinion both protagonists deserve a win! I, for sure, wouldn't be able to be strong in such a difficult moment. Risking your life at such a young age is impressive (13 and 12 years old). As a conclusion both books are amazing, with amazing protagonists! See you in the next one!

    1. I like how you end the book report by having the reader imagine themself in any kind of danger or natural disaster. Letś see what genre you read next.

    2. Hi Kristel,

      I love your compare and contrast of the two main characters. You have a great skill in being able to do that. You pulled me to be on team Chase, but then pulled me to be on team Kyle; it's so hard to choose! Great job!

      Miss Breanna :)

    3. Kristel what an amazing writing piece!!! You make me want to go out and grab an adventure or survival book!!
      I also like how at the end of your writing piece you ask the reader questions and for their opinion. Great job!

    4. I forgot to sign my name to that last comment. Ms. Izzo

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Great response, you organized your text and explained your ideas really well! The conclusion is also very good since you're asking the reader to reflect by putting them into a situation before giving your own perspective on the question. What book do you want to read next?

      Miss Mathilde:)


  9. Mondays Different
    El papa notiene las llaves
    No tienen el mismo libro
    Las silla
    La cosina
    El niño no sabe dónde está su mochila
    El niño piensa donde está la mochila pero no la encuentra pero piensa de nuevo y la en cuentra la muchila

    El carro
    La casa
    Pelota camiseta
    El control remoto

    You can du it Different:
    El papa no tiene el mismo traje
    Las paredes
    El niño sigue haciendo de sastre
    El niño está jugando
    Las ventanas
    El niño no va ala escuela

    Mondays Different
    El papa notiene las llaves
    No tienen el mismo libro
    Las silla
    La cosina
    El niño no sabe dónde está su mochila
    El niño piensa donde está la mochila pero no la encuentra pero piensa de nuevo y la en cuentra la muchila

    El carro
    La casa
    Pelota camiseta
    El control remoto

    You can du it Different:
    El papa no tiene el mismo traje
    Las paredes
    El niño sigue haciendo de sastre
    El niño está jugando
    Las ventanas
    El niño no va ala escuela

    Mondays Different
    El papa notiene las llaves
    No tienen el mismo libro
    Las silla
    La cosina
    El niño no sabe dónde está su mochila
    El niño piensa donde está la mochila pero no la encuentra pero piensa de nuevo y la en cuentra la muchila

    El carro
    La casa
    Pelota camiseta
    El control remoto

    You can du it Different:
    El papa no tiene el mismo traje
    Las paredes
    El niño sigue haciendo de sastre
    El niño está jugando
    Las ventanas
    El niño no va ala escuela

    1. Hola Jhon,
      Buen intento en la comparacion de los personajes el hijo y el papa en dos cuentos. En los dos cuentos el hijo y el papa tienen una buena relacion y se entienden mucho aunque el hijo no es muy organizado. El papa lo ayudo y trata de que sea mas responsable. ¿Como piensas que se siente el papa de su hijo?

  10. Mondays: Different
    El niño no es ordenado el busca la mochila pero el niño se distrae con su carro el papa le dijo que buscará la mochila pero el niño el papá de dijo que buscará la mochila porque ya era tarde ya era a las 8 el niño buscaba su por debajo de la mesa pero no estaba la mochila el papa le dice que se a apure pero el niño por jugar con su carro se distrae y juego el niño se puso se puso a pensar y después cuando ya ya el le dijo vámonos pero y después el papa no encontró las llaves.

    Los 2 son aburridos el niño le dice que no puede y luego el papa le dice que no puede.

    You can do it. Different:
    El papa le dice al niño que haga cosas pero el papa necesitaba un martillo y el niño lo busco pero el papá le tenía el clavo y cuando el le avia a pegar mejor el niño se le había ido la pelota al árbol y el papa le dijo que subiera por ella le dijo que no podía y fueron por una escalera y el niño se subió pero el fijo y el precio nino no se la mano.


  11. Hola Sayda,
    Si en los dos cuentos el papa siempre ayuda a su hijo dandole el ejemplo y sirviendo de modelo. En tu opinion, es el un buen papa?

  12. Which main character seems to have more skills at dealing with disaster?`Could it be kyle from (Escaping the giant wave) or Chase from (storm runners).I think chase because he has been or more dangerous citations like when he was trying to save the bus driver under water.But I still think Kyle is good at surviving disaster like when he saved darren's life in the hotel when it was on fire.

    Chse is always prepared for disasters because his dad helps people when a disaster is going on unlike Kyle's dad he is just a worker at a also helps his friends like when they got out of the bus he gave them something so they would not get more was prepared and that help him survive the hurricane and make it to the farm unlike chase kyle was not prepared at all since he did not know when the tsunami was going to hit and if it was going to be big.

    Kyle is also very nice because when the building was on fire he saved daren even though daren bullied him.kyle also made smart decision like when he told his sister to go the hill because maybe the tsunami will hit.Another smart decision he made was when he told his sister to stay behind the tree so they would not get pulled by the waves of the tsunami.

    In conclusion which of the characters is better at surviving disaster.In my opinion i think chase because he has his go bag and he is good at making decisions.But i still think kyle is pretty good at surviving natural disasters.I hope in the future both authors make a book together.
    by Angel H

  13. Introduction
    Which protagonist seems to have more skill dealing with disasters? Could it be, Kyle from Escaping the Giant Wave, or Chase from Storm Runners! I think Chase would have more skill since he’s always prepared but it could be Kyle, if you wanna know then read more to find out!

    Paragraph 1
    Chase is like over prepared. His go bag has so many items. (I guess that’s why they call him the Storm CHASEr, haha! Get it? Well they call him the storm runner but chaser was funnier) Anyway if you wanna know more about Chase, well Chase is a 12 year old boy whose mom and sister died because of a car crash when they were going to pick up Chase. Then Chase’s dad got hit by lightning and they became storm runners!

    Paragraph 2
    Hey you know who Kyle is right? Well if you didn’t then I’ll tell you. Kyle is a 13 year old boy who went on vacation to Oregon with his younger sister BeeBee. Turns out that was a very bad idea due to the fact that a tsunami hit while they were having fun at a hotel eating pizza and drinking a milkshake. If you wanna know what happened next go read the book! (I'm like an advertisement, but anyway it’s a really good book you should read.)

    Paragraph 3
    Now let’s compare the two of them! Chase and Kyle are very similar. I get confused about both of them sometimes I call Kyle, Chase and Chase, Kyle! But let’s get to comparing. Kyle is a very independent person since he has to take care of BeeBee, while on the other hand Chase is over prepared!

    Now that we know more about Kyle and Chase we can say “hands down” Chase has more skill but Kyle would have been prepared if he knew a tsunami was going to hit! While Chase is literally always prepared for anything: Are you going skydiving and forget your parachute then don’t worry call Chase he’ll give you a parachute right away! (somehow, also exaggeration) But really I think they're both skilled. But Chase is a little more skilled.

    By: Jose Alcantara
    For: Everyone!

    1. Hi! I really liked your writing and the little jokes you included ("Storm CHASEr"), would definitely not have thought about it!! Your text is also well organized because you describe both characters then compare them before concluding. Good job!

      Miss Mathilde:)

  14. Hi Jose A,

    You definitely have a comedic side and it comes out as voice in your writing. This is a great skill to have. Hands down, both characters, Chase and Kyle deserve credit for their bravery in surviving natural disasters. Humans have a strong will to survive.

  15. Titles :Smellin good in back seat blues. Written by Marilyn pitt Illustrated by John Bianchi
    my opinion is thead the books are interesting and the books are similar

    1 Paragraph one about the girl
    My evidence is the,she is lazy because she does not bathe when did boys leave just want to see tv , she is selfish because she doesn't care that the boys did not watch Tv,
    She is boring because she spends it on tv everyday, she is rude because her fathers did not educate her and she wants to be everything she wants.

    2Paragraph two about the boys
    My evidence is the they ore friendly because in the book smelling good when they were on the couch is they had together, they are patients because in the book smelling good they were patient,in the back seat blues book the sister was teasing him and he frowned, he can ignore because in the back seat blues book he did not ignore her when she bathered him.

    My conclusion is that what can be learned from the leader is that the girl does not like boys, my question is that why the authors were the girl so she does not like boys

    Sebastian R

  16. Book Report: BY:Jose.s Date Thursday 8,2021

    Are Cesar Chavez by Ginger Wadsworth.
    The other book is Jackie Robinson by April Jones prince.
    I liked Cesar Chavez better because he never give up and he fights and works very hard for his family but he has bad news that all the farms that he goes to get fruits and vegetables are closed.

    The best part of this book was when he create a group and he was the leader and each day the group get biger and biger than they fight for the freedom.

    Jackie Robinson was born in a small cabin in Georgia in 1919.
    Black children could not go to school with white children.
    Black families could not eat in restaurants with white people or stay at the same hotels.

    All through high school and college,Jackie Played sports football, baseball and basketball. He set a new record for the long jump.He was a local hero. His name was always in the papers.

    By 1949, Jackie had been quiet long enough. Now he spoke up when umpires made bad calls. And he talked back to ballplayers on other teams. Jackie lost some fans.

    Jackie Robinson helped the Dodgers get to the World series six times.

  17. Books:storm runners and goose bumps

    protagonist: chase and amanda and josh benson from goose bumps

    subject: wich story i like better end then tell you ho i think is more useful when a emergency

    the story goose bumps follows amanda and josh benson, who move with their parents into a house the house they move into is haunted and amanda then meets this boy named ray wich she thinks acts suspicious because she says she saw him as a ghost. trough out the whole story amanda meets different type of ghost i havent yet read the whole story but its really intresting and strongly reccomend it.

    now for chase from storm runners chase and his dadare storm runners going across the country in pursuit of all kinds of storms.

    now for wich book i think is more interesting in my opinion i pick goose bups because the fact just seem´s more interesting than storm runners but ho would be more useful in emergency chase what do i have to say chase has been in more life threatening situations.


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